Explained: SWIFT gpi UETR – Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference 16

Before we delve into the UETR, we need to know what the SWIFT gpi is. In a nutshell SWIFT gpi refers to SWIFT’s Global Payments Innovation initiative, enabling:

As mentioned above, driving the SWIFT gpi initiative is the UETR….

What is the UETR – Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference?

As stated already the UETR is a Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference. The UETR is:

Which Message Types Require the UETR – Unique End to End Transaction Reference?

The SWIFT Standard MT Release 2018 requires you to populate (it is currently optional) the UETR in the FIN user header (block 3) for the following MT messages:

What are the UETR SWIFT Format Requirements?

As stated above, the SWIFT Standard MT Release 2018 makes it mandatory for you to add the UETR in field 121 within block 3 of the FIN header.

The UETR (Unique End to End Transaction Reference) must be: