This section contains information about the requirements f or professionals interested in applying for the Autism Insurance Act (ACT 62) Behavior Specialist License (BSL). This section also includes information for providers interested in submitting trainings to the Bureau of Autism Services for evaluation toward the ACT 62 BSL requirements.
Questions about the license and the application process should be referred to the State Board of Medicine , P.O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649, Phone: (717) 783-1400, email
For general information about ACT 62, including resources that have been developed for families of children and adolescents with autism, visit the DHS website:
This section contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and information about the requirements for applicants of the ACT 62 Behavior Specialist License.
This web-based training will build capacity, ensure content comprehension and retention of training material, and ensure a level of competency of clinicians who are conducting FBAs with a focus on assessment and replacement of challenging behaviors using a Functional Behavior Assessment ( FB A ) as well as the development of a treatment or behavior support plan that can be used across settings.