Boundary Line Agreement Template

Use this boundary line agreement template to create a legal document that clearly defines the property lines between two or more landowners. This document can be used for any type of land, including residential and commercial real estate.


This Boundary Line Agreement (herein, the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between:

​ [FirstParty.FirstName] [FirstParty.LastName] (herein, "Party 1"), with a mailing address of [FirstParty.StreetAddress] [FirstParty.City] [FirstParty.State] [FirstParty.PostalCode] , and [SecondParty.FirstName] [SecondParty.LastName] (herein, "Party 2"), with a mailing address of [SecondParty.StreetAddress] [SecondParty.City] [SecondParty.State] [SecondParty.PostalCode] , each a party, collectively referred to herein as the "Parties," on [Document.CreatedDate] .


Describe the property accurately. It is important to provide a detailed description of the property in question, including its location, dimensions, current use, and any structures or improvements on it. This will help avoid any confusion or disputes in the future.

The property in question is located at [Property.StreetAddress] in the city of [Property.City] and the state of [Property.State] . It is rectangular in shape and measures approximately (insert dimensions) feet in length and (insert dimensions) feet in width.

The property is bound by (insert description of surrounding properties or landmarks, such as adjacent streets or neighboring properties). The property is currently being used for (insert current use, such as residential, commercial, or agricultural). It is improved with a (insert type of structure, such as a house, barn, or shed) and various other structures or improvements, including (list any additional structures or improvements on the property).

The property is accessed via (insert methods of access, such as a driveway or road).


Define the boundary line, including its location and dimensions, and any structures or improvements considered part of it.

The boundary line between the two properties shall be defined as follows: starting at the northwest corner of the property, it shall extend (insert distance and direction, such as 50 feet south) to a point marked by a (insert a landmark, such as a tree or utility pole).

From there, it shall extend (insert distance and direction, such as 100 feet east) to a point marked by a (insert landmark). It shall then extend (insert distance and direction) to a point marked by a (insert landmark).

From there, it shall extend (insert distance and direction) to the original starting point at the northwest corner of the property.

Any structures or improvements located on or near the boundary line, including fences, walls, or other structures, shall be considered part of the boundary line and shall be maintained by the respective Parties by this Agreement.

Use specific terms in the agreement to clearly define the boundaries and responsibilities of each party. For example, rather than using the term “fence,” specify the exact location and dimensions of the fence. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or ambiguities.


The Parties shall be responsible for maintaining their respective properties in such a way as to not encroach upon the other party's property. This includes, but is not limited to, fences, structures, and landscaping.

The Parties shall also be responsible for ensuring that any construction or alterations to their respective properties do not cross the agreed-upon boundary line.


In the event of a dispute regarding the boundary line or any other matter related to this Agreement, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, the Parties may seek resolution through binding arbitration or the courts.


This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either Party upon written notice to the other Party.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed by the laws of the State of [Property.State] .