Temperature measurement is critical in many areas of research, particularly in agriculture, where it can have a significant impact on crop health and yield. Experiments such as seed germination often require numerous temperature sensors to collect extensive data. Typically, data loggers are used to store information, but market options are expensive and offer limited, non-customizable inputs (channels), creating challenges for comprehensive soil temperature monitoring. This study aims to develop a network of open-source, low-cost data loggers with multiple customizable channels for local and remote temperature data storage. The hardware includes Arduino, temperature sensors, a Real Time Clock, and a LoRa module to transmit data to a LILYGO TTGO board, which sends it to a remote MongoDB database while also storing it locally on a microSD card. In addition, a digital tool was developed to retrieve and display both current and historical readings from the MongoDB database. The total cost of this hardware is approximately US$ 72 for the simplest network. The system achieved a Root Mean Square Error of 1.6°C compared to a manual sampling probe thermometer. This hardware surpasses commercial options by allowing the integration of multiple sensors and emitters, creating a network of data loggers at lower costs.
Keywords: Temperature sensor, Data logging, Modular, Remote storage
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Nocera Santiago, Gustavo Nocera and Ciampitti, Ignacio A., Multiple Channels, Low-Cost, and Dual Data Storage Data Logger for Building a Soil Temperature Network. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4914056
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